Insights for Business Cards Printing Insights for Businesses

Using A Thank You Card

A thank you card like the name implies is a style of card used in showing special appreciation to customers after every completed transaction. While few business owners (who understand how effective it is as a customer retention tool) have continually adopted it, others who aren’t aware of its potentials keep wondering why they are yet to experience any significant growth in their customer base and profit level. At other times, such businesses lose a large  chunk of these metrics.

Thank you card

“So what exactly sets a thank you card apart?” You might want to ask.

Gift Ideas For Small Businessses Startup Advices

Five Reasons You Should Print Business Cards For Your Employees.


Let’s start by saying this, the business card is not a piece of paper reserved for key players in an organisation. It is a communication material that will help to move your business forward, build your brand and bring in new business.  A business card is your instant contact details, it’s branding in action, and it’s advertising. It puts you on the map and it makes an impression. It’s a reminder to others that your businesses still exist. It’s improving the chance someone will think of you when they need help in that particular area of their life, even if its two years down the line. We put together four reasons we believe your employees should carry a pack of business cards with them.


How to Create Business Cards on Printivo.


Creating business cards on Printivo is as simple as ABC. We have over 75 templates to choose from. Another interesting thing is we have sub categorized our business cards. These sub categories are from Fashion  , Social Media, Music and so on.


Here are quick steps in creating your own Card;

Startup Advices

How To Network Like A BOSS


Being good at networking is not just a skill for entrepreneurs but for everyone seeking to build things. Here are seven important thing we think you need to nail to be able to network like a boss and have everyone coming to ask what you are doing to grow and get results from networking.


Matte or Gloss Lamination


We understand lamination types are things only printers should worry about but recently, we have been asked by customers what type of lamination is better, whether matte lamination or gloss lamination. The simple truth is you can never go wrong with matte lamination. While gloss lamination has its own advantages and certain projects such as posters and other wider surface prints are better with gloss lamination. Matte wins all the the time. Matte laminations adds a feel of luxury to prints and you can easy write on a matte laminated card with a ball point pen. Matte lamination also reduce the possibility of glare. We don’t know how true this is but we have heard that gloss laminated projects usually look cheap. We always advice customers to go with matte lamination options for print project. As we have discovered, YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG WITH MATTE.

Share your thoughts on laminations with us.