Printivo Marketplace

Make Money without Stress with Printivo

how to make money on

Financial security is a huge problem for most Nigerians and it is no longer news that
people now subscribe to side businesses (or side hustles, like it’s popularly called) to enhance their main income source(s) as one income source alone can no longer sustain anyone anymore.

The Printivo Side Business Platforms

On, there are a couple of ways you can make money without much stress. These mediums include:


– The Printivo Marketplace

Our designer market place is where everyone can create and sell designs on print products and earn 15% royalties on their designs. Designers can create customizable design templates on products like business cards, letterheads, flyers and branded merchandise products like mugs, iPhone cases, mouse pads, and T-shirts. The good part, you don’t have to move a needle. Printivo will print, ship, manage the customer and handle returns. Just design away and start earning.

– The Reseller program

We launched Reseller to help graphic designers, freelancers, photographers, and other creative professionals order print products for their customers and still make a great margin on each order. With Printivo for Resellers, creative professionals can ship printed products directly to their clients, get constant discounts, free sample packs, and a dedicated account executive. What this means is that they can focus on the most important part of their business while Printivo takes care of the printing and logistics.”

– The Referral program

On this platform, you can earn as high as N1000 every time your friends print on To get started, Login to your Printivo account or create a new account
On the “Rewards” page, copy your referral link and share it with your friends
Earn up to N1,000 each time someone new orders with your referral link

Don’t wait till later, as it is not guaranteed. Make the move now and smile tomorrow.

The Referral program

The Reseller program

The Printivo Marketplace


