Insights for Business Cards Printing Insights for Businesses

Using A Thank You Card

A thank you card like the name implies is a style of card used in showing special appreciation to customers after every completed transaction. While few business owners (who understand how effective it is as a customer retention tool) have continually adopted it, others who aren’t aware of its potentials keep wondering why they are yet to experience any significant growth in their customer base and profit level. At other times, such businesses lose a large  chunk of these metrics.

Thank you card

“So what exactly sets a thank you card apart?” You might want to ask.

To simply put, a thank you card makes you stay longer in the mind and soul of your customers longer than you normally should, and like a popular quote has it:

Customers can forget what you said but will never forget how you made them feel.”

How To Use A Thank You card

Having placed close attention to how different businesses have successfully used thank you cards in turning their businesses around, here are 3 special ways by which you can effectively same to achieve the same feat even though these methods can vary in terms of effectiveness.

NB: Real life scenarios will be used it backing up the points.


  1. Attach it to your business card:

The Belle Stores was smart enough to place an order for a double sided business card which carried the business information on one side and a thank you design on the other. The outcome was superb as this jerked up their sales faster than usual, forcing them into placing another order for a new set within few weeks.

thank you card


  1. Go one-sided

Through a dedicated one sided card with rounded edges. Baffup online was able to create a coupon code for their customers while they use the other (blank) side of the card to write a dedicated note particular to each customer and the transaction to drive up retention.

Baffup online



  1. Use A plain sheet

Thank you card

This is the method we presently have adopted and it’s been really effective since its adoption.


Where and how to start?

  1. Design to your taste using any design tool and upload your design on our website in the business card space.
  2. Request for a design from our team by sending a mail to [email protected]or placing a call to 08099561000.



And if you’re wondering what will happen if you don’t use a Thank You Card, be reminded that your competitor might just be reading this same article.


