Printing Insights for Businesses

Six Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make With Flyers.

The argument surrounding the effectiveness of flyers as a tool in spreading the words about a brand or event will for long be debated. This of course is due to the very dicey circumstances surrounding its use- Potent when rightly used, useless when used inappropriately.

Flyer Design

This post will however dwell on three common mistakes promoters make, which defeats the purpose their flyers are meant to achieve.

1. Poor Design

Depending on how important the results from sharing your flyers are to you, choosing a designer is as important.

A great flyer design conveys a message to the audience in just a few seconds. If it takes more than a few seconds to understand what the flyer is about, the audience will lose interest and completely miss the call to action.

If you wouldn’t be able to afford to hire a designer? Here are close to 100 templates you can customise for your personal use.


2. Information Overload

People generally have a low attention span. Your layout is just as important as the font and color choices of your flyer design. If your flyer design is too crowded, your audience may be turned off from reading the information altogether. If crowding your flyer is inevitable, then you should ensure the most relevant information is rightly positioned to pass the message in time. Remember how long it takes to make an impression with a flyer?


3. Inadequate Information

When information overload isn’t the problem, missing out vital information about the product/event can be, turning your audience to stranded strangers in an unfamiliar neighborhood. It’s therefore necessary to ensure no vital information such as address, date and offering is well spelt out and correctly placed before flyers are printed.

Impress your customers with stunning full colour Flyers


4. Unappealing print quality

While a handful get designs right, a fewer fraction fail at printing. The reason behind this is simple, their flyers fell into the hands of unprofessional print companies/vendors, automatically rendering all efforts invested during the printing process useless.


5. Faulty Distribution strategy

A bunch of promoters fail at this level despite getting it right with design and printing. But sadly, results get more accolades than effort. The reason behind faulty distribution is mostly due to little or no background study of the target audience prior to distribution. Factors such as the location and interests of the target audience are crucial to the effectiveness of your distribution.

Wouldn’t you rather prefer that your target audience voluntarily pick up your flyer from their favourite pharmacies/spars/grocery store than having it dropped in their cars or forced into their hands on the streets? Think about it.

With all these said, it’s important to reiterate the difficulty in finding a promotional tool as affordable and as potent as a flyer. Like finding a white mice, it’s really hard.

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